The Milktman´s Cow........

                         The Milktman´s Cow

The milkman's cow was in a bad mood. It sat in the middle of the road and refused to move. The milkman begged the cow to get up. "The children are waiting for their milk to help them grow strong. Please get up," he pleaded. He pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn't going anywhere that day. Along came a policeman, his buttons and buckles gleaming bright. "Humph." he said, twirling his long mustache, "T'll show you how to do it right."

The Milktman´s Cow

The policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn't going anywhere that day. Along came a grocer with bags of potatoes and peas. He said. "I'll move this cow with the greatest of ease." The grocer, the policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed. But the cow wasn't going anywhere that day. Along came a wrestler, his muscles gleaming in the sun. He said, "I have the strength of ten horses, so this should be fun." The wrestler, the grocer. the policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged and prayed.

But the cow wasn't going anywhere that day. Along came the ice-cream man, jingling his cart. "Cool down, cool down, it can't be too hard."

The ice-cream man, the wrestler, the grocer, the policeman and the milkman pulled and tugged. But the cow wasn't going anywhere that day. Along came a little boy. He began to grin. He said, "These grown-ups! Look at the mess they.

and wheat, and cows eat grass. He held out a sheaf of tasty green. The cow began to chew. He slowly led her to the side, for he knew what to go. The grocer clapped. the policeman twirled his stick in joy. The wrestler grinned. The ice-cream man whooped at the cleverness of the boy. The milkman happily clattered his pail. Being kind and loving is best, for force and strength can fail.