\ Who will be Nighthow?

Who will be Nighthow?

 Long long ago, in the land of Kangletpak in Manipur, there lived a Negthou and a Leena. They were loved deary by the people. The Nigthou and Leina, on their part, never stopped thankang atout their neegam, their people. "Our meeyam shoukt be happy. "they said. The people were not the only ones who loved their Ngthou and Lena. The birds and animals too loved them. 

The Niangthou and Leina always said: "Everybody Kangleipak should live in peace. Not only the people. but the birds antmals and trees." Their beloved king and queen had three sons: Sanajaoha, Sanavaima and Sanatomba. 

Twehe years later, a daughter was born. She was named Sanatombi. She was a lovely chikd, soft and beautiful inside. She was Joved be one and all. The years went by, and the children grew p well. And then one day, the Ningthou called all his ministers and said: "It is now.

Who will be Nighthow?

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